Zakat Calculation

Offering Zakat is an important component of Islamic culture; therefore, we help businesses calculate and organize their Zakat dues as part of their annual financial duties. Given the various scenarios in Zakat calculation and our expertise in end-to-end financial auditing and accounting services, our customers benefit from:

  • Nisab calculation
  • Estimating Zakat assets and Zakat liabilities
  • Realization of multiple cash and revenue streams for businesses
  • Asset categories and related Zakat calculation
  • Lunar Year and time-frame based Zakat calculation
  • Zakat calculation with respect to donations and Donor’s Bill of Rights
  • Zakat calculation for holding of parent companies based on consolidation of financial statements of its subsidiaries
  • Auditors report on declarations as per the specific country based prescribed formats


We’re here to help. Make an enquiry now

If you have a question, want some more information or would just like to speak to our experts, make an enquiry now and our UAE based Zakat Calculation Services team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

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